Flood update: Park survives, volunteer cleanup on Wednesday and Thurdsday (Sept. 28-29) from 4-7 p.m.
The Cannon River spilled onto the field for close to 48 hours. Most of that time saw standing water that entered from the north. For a shorter period of time, when the river was at its highest, there was current from the south that ran from the left field pole through right field.
As of 1:30 p.m. on Monday, the river has receded about three feet from its peak on Saturday afternoon around 12 p.m.
The park, for the most part, survived without major structural damage. The fences, seating areas, concession stand and its contents appeared to have made it through without noticeable issues. The water actually never reached the concession stand as it did in 2010, which is great news for us. We will, of course, inspect more thoroughly as the fall progresses to check the structural integrity of our buildings and the electric service.
The playing surface suffered minor damage, as far as floods are concerned. We will address the erosion of the infield and warning track as soon as we can. We will also take care of some grading issues that were deepened by flood. We welcome volunteers to help with the cleanup of the playing surface from 4-7 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday (Sept. 28-29) this week. Bring a shovel if you have one.
Thanks to everyone for their support.